
The fortnightly test your anagram power #30, By David Sutton

Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.

Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!

CEEIPRTRECEIPT To mark as having been paid.
DEIIMNTUMUTINIED (Pt.) MUTINY, to revolt against constituted authority.
DEILOSSTSOLIDEST (Superl.) SOLID, having definite shape
CEEHNORTCOHERENT Sticking together; forming a whole.
DEEIIRSVDERISIVE Expressing derision.
HINNORSTTINHORNS (Pl.) TINHORN, a contemptible person, esp one who is pretentious or flashy.
AEFMORRFOREARM To arm or prepare for attack or resistance before the time of need.
BEILLNTUBULLETIN An official report of public news; (verb) to make known by or describe in a bulletin.
ABDEELLLABELED (Pt.) LABEL, to put a label on.
ACDDEITTDICTATED (Pt.) DICTATE, to read aloud for recording.
AABLRSUSUBALAR Situated below the wings.
ACEOPSWCOWPEAS (Pl.) COWPEA, a leguminous plant indigenous to Asia, used like French beans.
ACEEHNRVREVANCHE (Fr.) revenge, esp a usually political policy designed to recover lost territory or status.
AADHMNOUOMADHAUN (Irish) a fool, idiot, simpleton.
ADEHLMOYHOLYDAME (Shakesp.) holiness, a holy place, esp in an oath.
BCEIILOPEPIBOLIC Relating to epiboly, the process by which one set of cells spreads over and surrounds another by dividing more rapidly, as in gastrulation.
BDELORUUDOUBLURE (Fr.) an ornamental lining on the inside of book, leather or vellum.
BENORSWYBYWONERS (Pl.) BYWONER, the sub-tenant of a farm; an agricultural labourer.
CDEILMOYMYCELOID Resembling mycelium, the white threads or filamentous growth from which a mushroom or fungus is developed.
AACCELOCLOACAE (Pl.) CLOACA, a sewer; the terminal part of the gut in birds.
