mainHeader – World English Scrabble Players Association (WESPA)


Shuhada Sofea Sharz



Shuhada Sofea Sharz

Rating: 1466
Games Played: 13
Wins: 6 (46.15%)
Losses: 7 (53.85%)
Draws: 0 (0.00%)

Average Score: 271.31
Average Against: 262.15

300- Games: 9 (69.23%)
300 Games: 4 (30.77%)
400 Games: 0 (0.00%)
500 Games: 0 (0.00%)
600+ Games: 0 (0.00%)

High Game: 325 (vs Yufen Goh)
Low Game: 205 (vs Leong Mei Qi)
Biggest Win: 231 (vs Magdalene Chong)
High Loss: 305 (vs Chen Kyleen)
Low Win: 296 (vs Dhanesh Subramaniam)

Details#DateTournamentWinsLossesByesSpreadPlaceStart RatingEnd RatingRating ChangeStart DeviationEnd Deviation
12019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate67011945146614660300159
RoundOpponentOpponent RatingResultScores
1Grace Choo Pei Xuan1538L238326
2Lim Zhe Yu1570W312269
4Marissaselma Danisha1321W312237
5Dhanesh Subramaniam1385W296225
6Leong Mei Qi1458L205362
7Koay Ming Yu1451L212219
8Yufen Goh1643W325310
9Magdalene Chong1219W29867
10Muhammad Aqil Hairul1300W296193
11Geevita Nair Krishna1285L213254
12Leong Mei Qi1458L290322
13Chen Kyleen1534L305311
Average: 271.31 262.15
DetailsOpponentRatingGamesWinsLossesDrawsPctAverage ForAverage Against
1Leong Mei Qi145820200.00247.50342.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate6L14661458205362
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate12L14661458290322
Average: 247.50 342.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate3L14661759225313
Average: 225.00 313.00
3Geevita Nair Krishna143210100.00213.00254.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate11L14661285213254
Average: 213.00 254.00
4Dhanesh Subramaniam138511001.00296.00225.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate5W14661385296225
Average: 296.00 225.00
5Lim Zhe Yu157011001.00312.00269.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate2W14661570312269
Average: 312.00 269.00
6Grace Choo Pei Xuan153810100.00238.00326.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate1L14661538238326
Average: 238.00 326.00
7Marissaselma Danisha132111001.00312.00237.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate4W14661321312237
Average: 312.00 237.00
8Chen Kyleen156010100.00305.00311.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate13L14661534305311
Average: 305.00 311.00
9Yufen Goh116711001.00325.00310.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate8W14661643325310
Average: 325.00 310.00
10Koay Ming Yu164410100.00212.00219.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate7L14661451212219
Average: 212.00 219.00
11Magdalene Chong121911001.00298.0067.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate9W1466121929867
Average: 298.00 67.00
12Muhammad Aqil Hairul130011001.00296.00193.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate10W14661300296193
Average: 296.00 193.00