
Word of the Week (148): CHAPPAL (probability 32751), by David Sutton

Continuing last week's theme of footwear, a CHAPPAL is a kind of open-toed sandal worn in India. Other types of sandal include the flat-heeled HUARACHE (or HUARACHO), the ALPARGATA, a light sandal with a rope or hemp sole, akin to the ESPADRILLE, and the ZORI, a Japanese sandal consisting of a flat sole with a thong between the toes.

Lighter types of footwear also include the BABOOSH (also BABOUCHE, BABUCHE or PABOUCHE), a kind of Oriental heelless slipper, the Aztec TEGUA, a kind of moccasin, and of course the MOCCASIN or MOC itself; note also the Australian colloquial MOCCIES (but there is no singular MOCCY*).

Footwear that is sturdier without actually being a boot include the South African VELSKOEN (or or VELDSCHOEN or VELDSKOEN), which is made of rawhide, as are the Scottish RULLION and RIVLIN and the PAMPOOTIE that is worn in the Aran Islands.
